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Frequently Asked Question - For the on-site reuse scenario the Qualified Person submits the Declaration to the Environment Agency and then excavation begins. For Cluster projects the Environment Agency still wants to agree the point that treated materials cease to be waste on a project by project basis.

For the on-site reuse scenario the Qualified Person submits the Declaration to the Environment Agency and then excavation begins. For Cluster projects the Environment Agency still wants to agree the point that treated materials cease to be waste on a project by project basis.

  1. At what point in the process should these discussions take place?
    At project planning stage.
  2. Who is the point of contact?
    Enquires should be directed to the local Environment Agency office in the first instance. Where a Cluster project straddles Environment Agency area boundaries then the area where the Hub site is located should be contacted. Assistance will be given by NTS – Geoscience team if required by the local team
  3. What information needs to be submitted to get this agreement?
    A Material Management Plan covering the sites concerned which contain the lines of evidence such as Hub site permit, contractual interrelationships and responsibilities, mass balance calculations etc. (also see paragraph A3.14 - DoWCoP Version 2)

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