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Frequently Asked Question - What are the minimum input data requirements for GWSDAT to function correctly?

What are the minimum input data requirements for GWSDAT to function correctly?

The minimum input data requirements for GWSDAT to run correctly are as follows: For plotting of groundwater flow direction arrows:

  • No solute concentration data required
  • Minimum 3 well locations in coordinate table
  • Minimum 1 measurement of groundwater elevation at each of these 3 wells within the user- selected model output interval

For plotting of groundwater elevation contours:

  • No solute concentration data required
  • Minimum 4 well locations in coordinate table
  • Minimum 1 measurement of groundwater elevation at each of these 4 well locations within the user- selected model output interval

For plotting of solute concentration trends at individual wells:

  • Minimum one solute: No groundwater elevation data required
  • Minimum 1 well location in coordinate table
  • Minimum 1 measurement of groundwater solute concentration at this well location

For fitting of valid spatiotemporal model and plotting of solute concentration contours:

  • Minimum one solute: No groundwater elevation data required
  • Minimum 3 well locations in coordinate table
  • Minimum 2 concentration, time data points for each of these 3 well coordinates

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