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A winter school has been organised by the INSPIRATION Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training network ( on the above mentioned theme. The winter school is presented by the University of Liege, Belgium, between 29 January - 1 February 2019.

The aim is to demonstrate the practical application of commonly-used advanced numerical modelling tools for the investigation of flow and reactive solute transport in groundwater at the catchment-scale, with special focus on nutrients and other types of agrichemicals. Participants will be introduced to modelling applications using lectures, practical exercises, computer-based simulations and keynote talks on research case studies. An introduction to modelling the fate of stable isotopes in groundwater will also be provided.

The sessions will be presented by experienced training facilitators, experts and invited speakers from the INSPIRATION Innovative Training Network and the University of Liège, VITO and SPAQuE in Belgium, IWW and UFZ Leipzig in Germany, EAWAG and University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland and the University of Laval in Québec in Canada.

The event is open to external participants including, but not limited to, stakeholders, practitioners, managers, researchers and students with interests in the assessment, management and remediation of nutrient and hydrochemical impacts from different sources.

Registration must be made by 21 January 2019 and the cost for the winter school is 350 EUROS.

Download the flyer for full information >>>

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