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To coincide with the UK release of Hollywood film Dark Waters on 28 February, we’d like to bring to your attention some useful resources on the subject matter: per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) or colloquially 'forever chemicals'. Dark Waters tells the real-life story of the lawyer who took on a chemical company after discovering it was knowingly contaminating drinking water with PFAS. Although set in the US, the issue of PFAS is a global concern.

In addition to a recent briefing published by the European Environment Agency, CL:AIRE has a number of recent publications and videos on PFAS:

- CL:AIRE Technical Bulletin 19: Managing Risks and Liabilities associated with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs). This bulletin provides a summary of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and highlights approaches to manage risks and liabilities associated with their impact to the environment. 

- Read a Special Publication (from CL:AIRE’s 20th Anniversary Conference) - p33 onwards focuses on PFAS
- Watch an Introductory PFAS video by Ian Ross, Arcadis and PFAS treatment option videos by Gareth Leonard, Regenesis, Jeff Gamlin, Jacobs and Rick Parkman, AECOM.

Visit the CL:AIRE website for further details:  (Members and Conference Delegates only. Must be logged in to access.)

- The European Environment Agency (EEA) has recently published a briefing summarising the known and potential risks to human health and the environment in Europe posed by persistent chemicals the per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). The report is available here EEA report on emerging chemical risks in Europe - PFAS

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