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The first cohort of students onto Plymouth University's Environmental Geochemistry MSc programme started this year, building on the success of their existing post-graduate taught programmes in Environmental Consultancy and Sustainable Environmental Management.

The aim of the course is to couple specialist chemical and analytical capabilities with elements of their existing successful programmes, to meet the growing demands of the environmental sector. Specific details of the programme may be found on the webpage:

Requirements for the placement are:

  • Duration should be between 90 hours to a maximum of eight weeks.
  • Students plan and undertake a demanding programme of work agreed with their academic tutor and workplace sponsor.
  • It should take place between April and June 2021.
  • Workplace sponsored placements can be virtual or face-to-face.

Placements can, by negotiation, relate to student MSc research projects that are undertaken by students after the placement.

Further details of the School’s research areas and analytical capabilities may be found here:

"(We) acknowledge that circumstances are very challenging for some at the moment. That said, we look forward to developing the programme over the coming years to meet the future needs of the environmental industry. Importantly, the course contains a work-based learning component to help achieve that aim."

Please contact Dr Alison Turner ( if you would like more information.


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