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To coincide with the release of three recently updated eLearning modules, CL:AIRE has introduced a 50% discount for all those with a email address.  It gives an opportunity for Government departments, agencies and public bodies to undertake important training for less than £50 (+VAT).  The eLearning courses this discount applies to are:

  • Soil and Groundwater Risk Assessment
  • Sustainable Remediation Appraisal
  • Introduction to Brownfield Site Investigation

These courses have been updated to reflect the introduction of the Land Contamination Risk Management (LCRM) web pages and several other recent publications, such as Supplementary Reports 1 and 2 of the SuRF-UK Framework (2020) and HM Treasury's Green Book (2020).

The discount will be available from 1 May until 30 September 2021 after which point the normal membership discounts will continue.

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