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Remtech Europe, is organising Sustainathona 24-hour insight into progress towards the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Starting at 12:00 GMT on Thursday 23 September 2021 and finishing at 12:00 GMT, Friday 24 September 2021. 50+ speakers will be invited from across 7 continents to explain what is special and inspiring about how their country (or one they are very closely associated with) is progressing towards one, more or all the SDGs.  The virtual baton will pass from country to country, time zone to time zone across all 26 time zones.

As well as country updates, we will have a number of specialist speakers during the day to keep the ever changing audience focused and to raise the awareness of the need to achieve ALL the SDGs.

Sustainathon is being organised as part of Remtech Europe by Nicola Harries (CL:AIRE),  Paul Nathanail (Cabernet), Marco Falconi (ISPRA) Patricia Ruiz (Soldi Ambiental), Piotr Wojda (European Commission), Clara Cucco (Remtechexpo) and Silvia Paparella (Ferrarafiere).

If you are interested in being a speaker during Sustainathon and share some of what is happening in your country, please let Nicola Harries ( know what you would like to talk about and the time zones you would be available for.  We are looking for a 20 minute talk that will be delivered via Zoom.

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